Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bless my children

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Lord bless my children and keep them safe both night and day.  Send your angels before them to prepare the way, because life is fraught with dangers of all kinds.  Therefore watch over them and keep them from the evil that is in the world.  May your word be established in their hearts, cause them to remember your teachings in their times of troubles.  Bring remembrance to their hearts of all the goodness you have in store for them.

May they be filled with your Spirit, as this will cause them to be an overcomer in all things.  May their hearts be filled with goodness and mercy.  Give them the words to say when they need your wisdom, so that they may be ready to give an answer when need be.  May they speak with wisdom because there is good counsel in your words.  May they overflow with love and mercy to those in need.  May they be instruments of your righteousness.  Help them return good for evil, because vegeanance belongs only to you Lord.  

Lord may they forever be singing your praises and glorifying your name.  You bring freedom to them through the song that flows from their hearts.  May their hearts have a sense of security because you are their God.  Keep them safe under the shadow of your wings.  Fill them with the confidence that they can do anything they set their minds.  Help them to understand that as long as they seek you that you will cause them to prosper.  Only you will cause them to be abundantly satisfied, because only you can fill the longing they have.

May their souls be filled with the oil of gladness, and cause sorrow to be far from them.  May their hearts be filled with the love that forgives and binds up wounds.  Let them be filled with the desire to pray and intercede for a lost and dying world.  May they be used by you Lord to minister to the lost and the saved.  Use them to glorify your name because they are your servants, servants of the most high God.

May they find solitude in your word because you are a safe haven from a world filled with wickedness.  Give them restful sleep and keep their enemies from troubling them during this time of rest.  Guide their paths in all things, so that their feet do not stumble.  Let those who might seek their destruction be crushed.  May they always see the miracle of life that you have given them through Jesus Christ. 

This is my prayer and my plea that I send up before you Lord.  Watch over them as I will not be able to do so forever.  My time here with them is short, but you will watch over them after I am gone.  Take care of my children father. 

Psalm 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
Copyright Joseph L. Parker


  1. Amen Joseph....I echo in your prayer to our precious Lord.

  2. Thanks Ellen! Children are truly precious and I miss mine very much!

  3. Wow, this is beautiful. As the father of a fourteen month old, thank you so much. May God bless you as well Joseph.

  4. You are very welcome Manny. Glad it spoke to your heart my brother! Thanks for taking the time to check it out and for letting the words that God gave me many years ago to speak to your heart.
