Thursday, December 2, 2010

Worthy is the lamb

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Worthy is the lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world.  Through all my pain you are with me Lord and I will prevail against it.  I will triumph against all odds with you by my side.  You give me the strength to overcome all obstacles that stand in my way.  No matter the cost to myself I will follow you.  No matter where you lead I will you because you will lead to the living waters that quench my thirsty soul.

You are my Lord and my king to you I will forever sing.  You are so worthy my God of all my praise.  No matter the circumstances that I face I know that they will never be faced alone because you are with me.  You always provide a way for escape for me if my eyes will look for it.  You never allow anything to come upon me that is more than I can bear.  For that I am eternally grateful to you.  I love you with all my heart, mind and soul.

When I walk through the fire you promised that it will not burn me.  When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I can rest assured because you are right by my side.  You said you would never leave me or forsake me and you one I can trust to keep his word.  You will cause me to mount up with the wings of eagles and cause me to soar above all my problems.  Lead on dear Lord and I will follow.

You keep my feet from slipping down the path that leads to death.  You have saved my soul from that which sought my destruction.  You gave me new life and put a new song in my heart.  You have given unto me the power that is needed to walk above all my sorrows.  You have given me the garment of praise that causes the spirit of heaviness to leave me.  Blessed be your glorious name father, for there is none that can even come close to comparing to you.  Everything else pales in comparison to the beauty my eyes behold in you.

My mind can not ever fathom how you could love a wretched man such as myself.  What am I that you would be mindful of me?  I did nothing to deserve your love yet you gave all of yourself to win me back to yourself.  How can I ever repay that kind of love, there is nothing, no price that I could ever give back to you for that.  My Lord, my Savior, my God and my King.  I fall to my knees in worship to you and honor the sacrifice that you gave to me.

Thank you for your mercy that you have given unto me, thank you for all that you give.  Even when I was at my worst you loved me.   Still there are times when I willfully rebel against you, please forgive my ignorance when I do.  My mind is still unregenerate and longs to do what it desires.  But you are giving me that which is needed to lay aside my fleshly desires and walk closer to you.  Oh God I am so unworthy, I am so unclean as I stand before you.  I am thankful that you have cleansed this heart of mine and now I can stand before you clean and righteous.

Glory, glory, glory to your name oh Lord God.  Thank you Jesus, thank you for loving me so deeply.  My words can not even begin to describe the gratitude that is in my heart.  I will spend all eternity giving you thanks for the redeeming power that you displayed on my behalf.  Praise you Lord, and thank you!


  1. Joseph, prayer was answered for me yesterday, so I give praise today.

    Nice blog, blessings

  2. Thanks T! I appreciate you and praise God for answered prayer!
