Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The fair maiden rose early in search of her beloved

The fair maiden rose early, dressed in exquisite silk and purple. Her cheeks are comely and her eyes sparkle with the beauty of rubies. Her hair smells of fine myrrh as the gentle breeze flows through it.

Gold chains hang around her neck. They are a prized possession because her soul mate gave them to her long ago. Sophia, whose name means wisdom, is heartbroken, and now she roams the streets looking for her lost love. He abandoned her a long time ago and now Sophia can be seen wailing and weeping calling out for him.

She desires to be held close to his bosom, and her heartaches for the touch of his tender caress once more. At one time, he loved her more than life itself but he was drawn away, enticed by another’s beauty.

Her grief keeps her searching and seeking after her beloved, her sorrow is one that cannot  be contained. Only his return can quench her tears. The memory of him and the joy he once brought to her life keeps her looking for him.

She, being weary, falls to her knees and sobs in extreme anguish. “Sophia” someone calls to her, but she cannot  hear their voice. Her heart is closed to all but his memory. As she rises from her knees she asks a passerby, “have you seen my beloved?”

Her cries are unheeded by most that pass by. There is no comfort that can be given to her because she refuses it. She wonders where her beloved could have gone, she cannot find him because he has traveled to a distant land.

She is determined to continue the search even if it means spending the rest of her life trying to find her lost love. She seeks after him with great care and diligence because he is the only one she has ever loved. She calls his name continually but receives no answer to her cries of desperation. Long hours she spends searching but to no avail.

“Alas” she says, “I will go to the ends of the earth if need be.” Sophia returns to her home she once shared with her love and sells everything she has to continue her search. She tells herself she must continue searching for him. The days turn into months and the months turn into years, still she cannot  find him.

She will never abandon her search for him who her hearts longs for. She believes, hopes that one day she will find him again. Her love for him is eternal. He is her soulmate. She believes that if he sees her again his desire for her will return to him.

She remembers how their love burned as bright as the star and that is the only hope she has to hold onto. She believes the love she has to offer her beloved will turn his heart to her again. She travels to distant lands in search of him but does not find him. The joy they had keeps her searching. One day she hears a rumor of where he was last seen.

Through the fire and storms she passes constantly seeking him. She anxiously awaits the day of their reunion as she reaches the place he is supposed to be at. She arrives in a town called Despair. She sees a man lying in the gutter. Her heart leaps within her chest, could this be my love? Could this be the man my heart has longed to see again?

She reaches down to him and can scarcely believe her eyes, the man she once knew looked destitute and lost. Dressed in beggar’s clothes, hair unkempt, he had been here for a quite some time. The man looked up when he felt Sophia’s touch, their eyes locked, and she realizes she has found him that her soul has ached to see for so long.

Tears fill his eyes as he turns in shame and says, “I do not deserve to be your love again because I abandoned you.” She replies, “Beloved I love you with a love that is not of this earth come and be restored.” She takes his hand in hers, and together they leave this land of barrenness to a new land full of promise.
Proverbs 1:20 Out in the open wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square
Proverbs 4:8 Cherish her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you.