Monday, April 25, 2011

My soul yearns for you God

My soul yearns for you O God, there is none other who could ever satisfy my soul like you. My eyes long to see the salvation of this flesh, that tries to keep me bound to the natural order of things. I could try to attain worldly gain, but it only brings more pain. The comfort my soul seeks is found only in you. You bring mercy and kindness by your hand and you lead me beside the still waters.

My heart will meditate upon your ways because they are life to this decaying flesh. Your words brings consolation to my mind, it soothes the beast lurking within me. Only you can bring the peace that passes all understanding. Your presence is the only thing that can assuage the appetite of my soul. Therefore I will kneel before you because you are my King and my Lord. My hands will be lifted in praise to you alone.

My mouth will sing of your goodness, and your praise will forever be upon my lips. You have revealed your mercies again to me each day you allow this man to draw breath. My heart will rejoice because you have preserved my life. It's an honor to serve you each and everyday, therefore I will draw closer to you through your word. Your blessings to me have been many, my heart is so grateful for the grace you have bestowed upon me. O God my trust will be in you alone.

My heart is appreciative that you never turn a deaf ear to my prayers, even when I slip and fall. Many times you have delivered me from the hand of my enemy, and kept him from devouring me. You have brought me through the flames and did not allow me to be consumed. You did not let the flood waters drown me in despair. You rose up to defend me and all my enemies were scattered by your presence. O Lord my God you are so good to this undeserving man.

You washed my garments in the blood of Jesus, making me pure before you. Having justified and made me spotless by his precious blood now enables me to stand your presence. Through your kindness you allow me to approach your throne in my time of need, without your grace where would this man be? You have provided for me all the days of my life.

You sent the rain to water this dry heart, what good things you have worked on my behalf. My soul will sing the song of a gratified man, this praise will be glorious and lifted to you alone. May it be as a sweet savor that fills your nostrils, look upon your servant and be well-pleased father. You are now my high tower and there is safety in the shadow or your wings, you have carved me in the palms of your hands.

You have renewed my spirit and brought life once again to all my flesh. You have healed my broken heart, and caused anxiety to flee from my soul.

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